Caroline Dai, Acupuncture Clinic in Fleet

Acupuncture works !

March 29th, 2013
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Acupuncture is a mainstream form of medical treatment in China and has a very long history dating back to 3000 BC ! Over the years, the practice has evolved into a modern and well accepted form of medical treatment for all sorts of ailments. The key difference compared to Western medicine is the emphasis on the treatment of the cause of any ailment as opposed to treating the symptoms.

Google it !

There has been widespread research into acupuncture … but the most convincing truth is from the countless reports from patients all over the world testifying to its effectiveness. If you are still not convinced, then visit our links page and read all about acupuncture from Wikipedia. There is also a link to a report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) about acupuncture.

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Acupuncture works ! was posted on March 29th, 2013 at 2.19pm and is filed under Acupuncture information..

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